Are you a fan of escapes? And if, in addition, they are urban and outdoors… then this is your place.
We invite you to an immersive experience: getting to know the streets and secrets of the cities with Andalusian past through the history and culture they hide.
Let yourself be carried away by the cobblestone streets, be amazed by the wonders that you had not paid attention to before, visit cathedrals that were once mosques, glorious palaces, sumptuous baths…
Immerse yourself in the culture that runs through these cities guided by enigmas and challenges that will introduce you to the Andalusian era.
More than a simple game, Escape Andalusi offers you:
- A journey through time: immerse yourself in the history of Al Ándalus, a time of intercultural coexistence, scientific advances and unparalleled artistic and architectural beauty.
- Meaningful learning: discover the legacies of Andalusian culture in science, agriculture and daily life, and how they still throb today.
- An exciting adventure: explore the archaeological vestiges of the period, following the action proposed by our protagonist, Sira al Qurtubiya, an adventurous and adventurous woman from the exciting Andalusian times.
- Escape Andalusi is perfect for:
- Awaken your curiosity: learn about History in an interactive and memorable way.
- Share with friends or family: gather your team and live an adventure to remember as a group.
- Connect with a common past: discover the magic of Andalusian Spain and take away invaluable learning that connects with our daily lives.
- Are you ready to accept the challenge?
- Download the app and join Sira in this adventure 😉
- Pd: If the Al Andalus theme was getting on your nerves… try it now!
• Murcia/Mursiya (activo)
• Madrid/Mayrit (lanzamiento el 1 de mayo 2024)
• Málaga/Málaqa (lanzamiento el 1 de junio 2024)
• Sevilla/Ishbilia (lanzamiento el 1 de julio 2024)
• Granada/Garnata (lanzamiento el 15 de julio 2024)
• Córdoba/Qúrtuba (lanzamiento el 15 de septiembre 2024)
• Toledo/Tulailula (lanzamiento el 30 de septiembre 2024)