Escape Andalusi Team

Idea and coordination:

Al Fanar Foundation for Arab Knowledge.

Scientific direction:

Pilar Garrido Clemente (UMU)

Graphic design:

Diego Lizán

Technical coordination:

Kinan Intregrated Solutions

Computer development:


Scientific team (Murcia):

Jorge Eiroa Rodríguez (UMU)

Miriam Iniesta (cultural manager and guide)


“Qáim wa Nisf Gharíba al Husain” by Amin Chaachoo.

Comic Sira
Illustrations and color:

Juan Álvarez and Jorge G.


Pedro Rojo Pérez and Pilar Garrido Clemente.

Access to the comic:

Full comic in pdf here.

A project of:

Casa Mediterráneo and Al Fanar Foundation